Would you like your drawings to appear on the site? Then please PM Butterstar. High positions are open. In order to become a leader, or medicine cat, then you must be active. Then you must continue being active. S I T E U P D A T E S 3/8/2015: We have introduced a new sidebar!
Warriors: Harvest Moon is a brand new warriors role play, based on the bestselling series by Erin Hunter and centered around the four traditional clans, Thunderclan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan. We welcome role players of all levels of experience and have a word count of just 100 words per post. Both traditional and non-traditional names are accepted, and we have no character limit.
Leaf-bare The ground is frozen and is covered by a thick layer of snow. The longer winter is beginning to take it's toll. The Clans are hungry and will stop at nothing to get prey... even if it means invading.
B u t t e r
High Ranks
Deputies and medicine cat apprentices are chosen by leaders and medicine cats. Therefore, they are labeled as 'closed'. ThunderClan High Ranks: Leader - Open Deputy - Closed Medicine Cat - Open Medicine Cat Apprentice - Closed RiverClan High Ranks: Leader - Butterstar Deputy - Closed Medicine Cat - Open Medicine Cat Apprentice - Closed ShadowClan High Ranks: Leader - Open Deputy - Closed Medicine Cat - Open Medicine Cat Apprentice - Closed WindClan High Ranks: Leader - Open Deputy - Closed Medicine Cat - Open Medicine Cat Apprentice - Closed